• Friday 16 June 2017

    Protein Pizza Recipe

    With pizza being one of the most popular foods to consume in the world, it isn't so popular when it comes to the waistline. But pizza doesn't have to be greasy, high in fat, sugar, and relatively low in protein. Pizza can be packed full of nutrition and making it is ever so simple. All you need to do is make your own crust and choose your toppings wisely. You want to stay away from white flour, sugar, butter, and oil, but instead include, healthy fats and protein. Eating pizza should be enjoyed and not regretted, so here is how you can make your very own protein pizza!


    500g of Cauliflower 
    1 egg
    60g light mozzarella
    20g low fat cheddar cheese
    2 tbsp tomato puree
    Handful of fresh chopped basil
    50g of Skinny Shake® Very Vanilla protein powder
    2 slices of good quality ham


    1. Blend the cauliflower in a food processor, tip into a bowl, cover it and microwave for 7 minutes.
    2. Empty the cauliflower onto a tea towel, allow to cool, then squeeze the water from it.
    3. In a large mixing bowl, include the cauliflower, Skinny Shake Very Vanilla protein powder, egg and cheddar. Mix until you have a ball of dough.
    4. Greece a baking tray with coconut oil, and then flatten out the pizza base thinly as you can. Bake for 15 minutes until edges starts to brown.
    5. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Then add the tomato puree, mozzarella, basil and ham.
    6. Put back into the oven at 220 degrees for 10 minutes.
    Don't forget to tweet us your pictures!

    Will you be making this pizza anytime soon?
    Much Love
    Eltoria x

    Eltoria- South West Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger and South West YouTuber
    Be sure to check out my recent YouTube videos (click here)

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